Biomed Eng Lett.  2019 Aug;9(3):327-337. 10.1007/s13534-019-00123-x.

Advances in the simulation of light–tissue interactions in biomedical engineering

  • 1Amur State University, Ignat'evskoe shosse 21, Blagoveshchensk, Russia 675027.
  • 2Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, A. Nevskogo Str. 14, Kaliningrad, Russia 236041.
  • 3Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies, Nienburger Straße 17, 30167 Hannover, Germany.
  • 4Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD, Leibniz University Hannover, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany.


Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for light propagation in scattering and absorbing media is the gold standard for studying the interaction of light with biological tissue and has been used for years in a wide variety of cases. The interaction of photons with the medium is simulated based on its optical properties and the original approximation of the scattering phase function. Over the past decade, with the new measurement geometries and recording techniques invented also the corresponding sophisticated methods for the description of the underlying light-tissue interaction taking into account realistic parameters and settings were developed. Applications, such as multiple scattering, optogenetics, optical coherence tomography, Raman spectroscopy, polarimetry and Mueller matrix measurement have emerged and are still constantly improved. Here, we review the advances and recent applications of MC simulation for the active field of the life sciences and the medicine pointing out the new insights enabled by the theoretical concepts.


Monte Carlo simulation; Biotissue; Light-matter interaction; Scattering and absorbing media

MeSH Terms

Biological Science Disciplines
Biomedical Engineering*
Spectrum Analysis, Raman
Tomography, Optical Coherence
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