Magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal disease
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) with 2.0 Tesla superconductive magnet developed by Korea Advanced Institute ofScience was performed in 25 patients with various abdominal diseases and compared with x-ray CT. MRI was obtainedwith spin echo technique using a variety of pulse sequence and various slice orientation including axial, sgittaland coronal section in order to evaluate the diagnostic value, limitation and to determine the optimal pulsesequency in various abdominal diseases. MRI demonstrated the capability of detecting the lesions shown on CT inall cases and also detected one case of diffuse hepatocellular carcinoma which was not seen on CT. MRI showedcapability of differentiation of various liver mass including hepatocellular carcinoma, hemangnioma and simplecyst. MRI showed better anatomical resolution of tumor in retroperitoneum and pelvis, however CT delineatedalimentary tract disease better than MRI did.