The Therapeutic Effects of Piroxicam in Acute Musculoskeletal Lesions
- Total 76 patients with acute painful musculoskeletal problems were treated with piroxicam, newly developed non steroidal-anti-inflammatory drug. Patients were divided into three groups, i.e. 1) acute low back strain or sprain group, 2) acute bursitis group, and 3) acute muscle sprain or strain group. The results were as following. 1. The effect of piroxicam on the various inflammatory changes was noticed promptly with initial 40 mg dose and pain control action was most prominent. 2. The drug was very well tolerated and side effect were generally mild. Three gastrointestinal symptoms and one skin eruption were developed. Over-all results of the piroxicam on the patient were evaluated as excellent in 51.3%, and good in 38.21%.