Korean J Blood Transfus.  2018 Aug;29(2):140-150. 10.17945/kjbt.2018.29.2.140.

The Experience of Applying an Australian Red Blood Cell Safety Stock Calculation to Korean Hospitals

  • 1Department of Laboratory Medicine, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University School of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea.
  • 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea. limyoung@ajou.ac.kr
  • 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea.
  • 4Department of Laboratory Medicine, Gil Medical Center, Gachon University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea.
  • 5Division of Human Blood Safety Surveillance, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Cheongju, Korea.
  • 6Division of TB and HIV/AIDS Control, Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Cheongju, Korea.


The management of red blood cell inventory in hospital's blood bank is crucial. The Australian Red Cross Blood Service developed a RBC safety stock calculation method (abbreviated as the "˜Australian formula'). In this study, we applied this method to four Korean hospitals to calculate the safe RBC stock level.
The hospitals included in this study were three tertiary teaching hospitals and one teaching hospital. The number of hospital beds in these hospitals were 1093, 1330, 1400, and 854, respectively. The data were collected from the Korea Blood Inventory Monitoring System of Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. The target/minimal/maximal RBC inventory levels and inventory days (inventory level/average daily usage) by ABO blood types were calculated using the daily red cell transfusion, wastage, and supply data between May and October 2016.
The enrolled hospitals showed different levels for the target/minimal/maximal RBC inventory according to each blood group. The average of RBC inventory days in the four hospitals was 4.2 days. For each blood group, RBC inventory days were 3.2~4.4 days for O blood group type, 3.5~4.7 days for A blood group, 3.9~4.5 days for B blood group, and 3.9~5.5 days for AB blood group.
Because the optimal RBC inventory levels are different depending on the hospital characteristics and the ABO blood group, it is necessary to set the RBC inventory levels for each hospital distinctly. The data obtained in this study will help manage blood product inventory in various hospital blood banks.


Blood safety stock calculation; Blood inventory management; Red blood cell

MeSH Terms

Blood Banks
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
Hospitals, Teaching
Red Cross
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