J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs.  2018 Mar;29(1):54-64. 10.12799/jkachn.2018.29.1.54.

Factors Influencing Burnout in Primary Family Caregivers of Hospital-based Home Care Patients

  • 1Department of Home Health Care, Chung-Nam National University Hospital, Daejeon, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Kongju National University, Gongju, Korea. hklee@kongju.ac.kr


The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing burnout in primary family caregivers of Home Health Care Patients.
Data were collected from 121 primary family caregivers of home health care patients in three different hospitals in "˜D' metropolitan city and the study was conducted from August 10, 2016 to January 17, 2017. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression.
Mean scores for the nursing needs of the participants were 3.54±0.79, the family functions were 1.24±0.58, the burnouts were 2.74±0.49. The burnouts were positively correlated with the nursing needs but inversely correlated with the family function. The factor that had the greatest influence on the burnouts of primary family caregivers of Home Health Care was family function (β=−.245, p=.001), followed by patients' daily activity (β=−.213, p=.014), age (β=.208, p=.032), monthly nursing services cost (β=−.196, p=.044) and nursing needs (β=.129, p=.014). The Explanatory Power of Models was 23%.
Individually customized home care nursing intervention programs are required to be provided in accordance with patient's family function and daily activity, monthly home care nursing service cost, nursing needs and general characteristics of primary caregivers of Home Health Care Patients such as their age, the number of family members living together, sex and the name of disease.


Home health nursing; Caregivers; Family function; Nursing needs; Burnout

MeSH Terms

Delivery of Health Care
Home Care Services
Home Care Services, Hospital-Based*
Home Health Nursing
Linear Models
Nursing Services



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