J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs.  2018 Dec;29(4):530-538. 10.12799/jkachn.2018.29.4.530.

Factors Affecting Family Caregivers' Burden and Depression in Home-based Long-Term Care Service under the Long-Term Care Insurance System

  • 1Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Sun Moon University, Asan, Korea. spring4cmk@gmail.com


This study tried to identify changes in family burden after the introduction of the long-term care insurance and to examine the factors influencing subjective and objective caring burden and depression of family caregivers of elders receiving home-based long-term care.
Data were collected from 203 family caregivers of elders from August 1 to 31, 2015 using questionnaires. They were analyzed in descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA test, and multiple regression analysis.
The mean score of depression was 7.24, which suggested mild depression level. The subjective family burden was 2.71 and the objective burden 3.04. The factors affecting depression included subjective burden (t=5.08, p < .001), objective burden (t=2.80, p=.006), time of elderly care per day (t=−3.61, p < .001), caregiving duration (t=3.33, p=.001), age (t=3.13, p=.002), family relationship (t=2.48, p=.014), and economic status (t=1.99, p=.047).
The family burden was most important influencing factor on caregiver's depression. Therefore, services and supports to alleviate caregivers' burden in the home-based care should be added to long-term care.


Depression; Long-term care; Aged; Caregivers

MeSH Terms

Family Relations
Insurance, Long-Term Care*
Long-Term Care*


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