Ann Dermatol.  2017 Apr;29(2):254-256. 10.5021/ad.2017.29.2.254.

Pili Annulati with Multiple Fragile Hairs

  • 1Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea.


No abstract available.

MeSH Terms



  • Fig. 1 (A) Regular alternating bright bands on hair shafts. (B) Multiple white-gray spots appearing like grains of sand exist on the hair shaft. (C) Alternating dark and bright bands with intermittent whit spots on the hair shaft appeared on the dermoscopic examination. (D) The air-filled dark spaces occupied 40%~80% of the hair shaft on inverted microscopy.

  • Fig. 2 (A) Loss of cuticle and mild indentation on the surface of mildly damaged hair. (B) Longitudinal cracks are visible in the hair shaft, which exposed the microfibers of the hair cortex. (C) Swollen node resembles two broomsticks pushed into each other and formed a so-called thrust paint brush. (D) Mechanical trauma on the swollen node fractured the hair ends, as shown by the frayed macrofibers.


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