Ann Rehabil Med.  2017 Aug;41(4):715-719. 10.5535/arm.2017.41.4.715.

Common Peroneal Neuropathy With Anterior Tibial Artery Occlusion: A Case Report

  • 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea.
  • 2Department of Radiology, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Incheon, Korea.


Peroneal neuropathy is a common mononeuropathy of the lower limb. Some studies have reported cases of peroneal neuropathy after vascular surgery or intervention. However, no cases of peroneal neuropathy with occlusion of a single peripheral artery have been previously reported. A 73-year-old man was referred with a 3-week history of left-sided foot drop. He had a history of valvular heart disease and arrhythmia, and had previously been treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. Computed tomography angiogram of the lower extremity showed proximal occlusion of the left anterior tibial artery. An electrodiagnostic study confirmed left common peroneal neuropathy. After diagnosis, anticoagulation therapy was started and he received physical therapy.


Peroneal neuropathies; Tibial arteries; Ischemia

MeSH Terms

Arrhythmias, Cardiac
Heart Valve Diseases
Lower Extremity
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Peroneal Neuropathies*
Tibial Arteries*


  • Fig. 1 Computed tomography angiography of the lower extremities. (A) An axial image showing proximal occlusion of the left anterior tibial artery (arrow). (B, C, D) Three-dimensional reconstruction images demonstrate the left anterior tibial artery occlusion at the level of the fibular neck (arrow).

  • Fig. 2 Vascular supply of common peroneal nerve (arrow head, occlusion level).


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