Korean J Leg Med.  2017 May;41(2):23-31. 10.7580/kjlm.2017.41.2.23.

Forensic DNA Phenotyping: A Review in Korean Perspective

  • 1Department of Forensic Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. sdlee@snu.ac.kr
  • 2Institute of Forensic Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) using human externally visible characteristics (EVCs) is an emerging new technique that allows for the prediction of phenotypic traits of a person of interest using relevant sets of genetic markers. This technique predicts not only physical appearances, but also the behavioral characteristics as well as biogeographical information, serving as a powerful supplementary tool to narrow down the investigative pool in various forensic cases. Over the past few years, many countries, Europe and America being at the forefront, have conducted significant research to identify related markers for predicting pigmentation traits such as eye, hair, and skin color. Furthermore, some commercial platforms are now available for practical use in forensic cases. Korea and other Asian countries have also dedicated remarkable research to identify relevant markers to utilize FDP in forensic investigations. However, a slightly different approach is needed because Asians have limited phenotypic variations than Western populations. Thus, medically irrelevant and simple propensity traits such as smoking and alcohol consumption could be used to compensate for the limited phenotypic variations. This article is intended to inform readers about the progress and worldwide trends in EVC research, as well as the whereabouts and future prospects of FDP-related research in Korea. Although various legal and ethical disputes must be resolved beforehand, employing an FDP system can certainly be a powerful complementary tool for providing additional clues in forensic investigations.


Forensic DNA phenotyping; Single nucleotide polymorphism; Investigative technique; Phenotype; Pigmentation; Identification

MeSH Terms

Alcohol Drinking
Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Dissent and Disputes
Genetic Markers
Investigative Techniques
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Skin Pigmentation
Genetic Markers


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