Korean J Gastroenterol.  2015 Jun;65(6):336-341. 10.4166/kjg.2015.65.6.336.

Nutritional Screening and Assessment in Hospitalized Patients

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. kimse@ewha.ac.kr


Nutritional screening and assessment in patients with malnutrition is the critical first step for nutritional care. Although nutritional assessment is a rigorous process that includes obtaining diet and medical history, current clinical status, physical examination, anthropometric data, laboratory data, and often functional and economic information, it is a very effective and worthy practice in terms of reducing various complications, morbidity, mortality and total medical costs. Systematic approaches with appropriate tools for nutritional screening and assessment are needed based on the clinical situations in each institute.


Nutrition assessment; Mass screening; Malnutrition

MeSH Terms

Malnutrition/*prevention & control
*Nutrition Assessment
*Nutritional Support

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