Patterns of recurrent cervical carcinoma on CT
- There were 73 cases of recurrent cervical carcinoma in Korea Cancer Center Hospital for recent two years andthe authors reviewed the CT findings of these recurred cervical carcioma. 1. The mean disease-free interval was 3years after the completion of the initial treatment. 2. Recurred sites were pelvic side wall in 20 cases,paraaortic lymph node in 16 cases, primary site of the mass in 16 cases and the combination of these in 14 cases.distant metastases were found in 7 cases. 3. Details of combined recurrence were as follows: primary andparaaortic lymphnode in eight out of 14 primary and pelvic wall in five out of 14, primary, pelvic wall andparaaortic lymphnode in one out of 14. 4. Distant metastatic lesions were found in lung (10 cases ), liver (8cases ), supraclavicular lymphnode(2 cases ) and spine(1 cases). 5. 27 cases of hydronephrosis, 6 cases ofhematometra and 4 cases of ascites were found in post-radiation group. 6. Pelvic side wall and paraaorticlymphnode were the most prevalent sites of recurrent cervical carcinoma.