Meniscus tears of the knee: postarthrogram high-resolution CT
- Thirty-eight knees with clinically suspected meniscal tears were examined with high-resolution computedtomography(HRCT) immediately following double contrast arthrography. All subsuquently underwent arthroscopy. Thefindings of postarthrogram HRCT and arthroscopy were compared to evaluate the usefulness of postarthrogram HRCTwere 96.2%. 83.3% and 92.1% respectively. The anatomic details of the meniscal tears were clearly visible on theHRCT scans. Sagittal and coronal reformation views well visualized the horizantal tears and the relationship oftorn meniscal fragments, and well differentiated the peripheral tears from the synovial recess. Our resultsindicate that postarthrogram HRCT not only is a sensitive and effective method for the detection andcharacterization of the meniscal tears, but also provides arthroscopists with the appropriate surgical plans.