An experimental study on expandable endovascular metallic stents in dogs
- We constructed an expandable endovascular metallic stent in the same way as Gianturco did. Experiments weremade to test the ability of these stents to be used in the vessels. A total of 20 stents were passed through a 8.5 French teflons sheath into the normal abdominal aorta, IVC, and iliac artery of four adult dogs for 4 weeks to 12weeks; 8 stents(10mm in diameter fully expanded and 20mm in length) in the abdominal aorta, 7 stents(12mm/20mm) inthe IVC, and 5 stents(8mm/20mm) in the iliac artery. All but two stents showed no migration, and one completeocclusion occurred in right iliac artery of a dog. Histologically, stent wires were covered by neo-intimalproliferation. The side branches of the main vessels remained patent, even with stent wires across their orifices.These metallic stents may be used as an endovascular graft material in the nonsurgical treatment of several formsof vascular disease.