Korean J Anesthesiol.
1980 Jun;13(2):160-168.
An Experimental Study of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution on Cardiopulmonary Vsscular System in Autotransfusions
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
- Twenty patients were observed the cardiopulmonary vscular changes during acceptable blood loss, amounts of which Bourke and Smith suggested, by radial artery cannulation and acute normovolemic hemodilution with Hartmann's solution and low molecular weight dextran, amount of which were just same as bled amounts in intraoperative autotransfusion. Following results were obtained; 1) Observed patients consisted of 12 of men and 8 of women, and average bled amounts were 432+/-13.81 ml. 2) Average values of mean arterial pressure(MAP), central venous pressure(CVP), pulmonary arterial pressure(PAP), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure(PCWP), cardiac index(CI) and pulmonary vascular resistance(PVR) were decreased than those of controls (p<0.05), and those of heart rate(HR), systemic vascular resistance(SVR) and PVR/SVR ratio were increased than those of control after arterial blood loss through arterial lines. All the observed value of cardiopulmonary vascular system were within normal limits after blood loss except increased values of PVR/SVR ratio(0.13). 3) Average value of MAP was silghtly increased than that after hemodilution, but smaller than that of control. Average values of HR, PVR, SVR, and PVR/SVR ratio were decreased and those of CVP, PAP, PCWP, CI were increased than those after acute normovolemic hemodilution(p<0.05). All the observed values of cardiopulmonary vascular system were within normal limit except slight increased value of cardiac index. (3.55+/-0.24 L/min). 4) After blood loss through arterial line, average values of oxygen flux and oxygen consumption were decreased(p<0.05) and oxygen extraction rate(27. 5%) was almost same as those of control(27.7%). After acute normovolemic hemodilution, average values of oxygen flux and oxygen consumption were increased than those after blood loss(p<0.05). and oxygen extraction rate (27.4%) was almost same as those of control.