J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2016 Sep;22(4):323-331. 10.11111/jkana.2016.22.4.323.

Effect of Nurses' Incivility Experienced by Nursing Student, Coping on Burnout in Clinical Practice

  • 1College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea. ungaekim@pusan.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of nurse's incivility experienced by nursing students and coping against incivility on burnout in clinical practice.
A cross-sectional correlation study design was used. The subjects were 120 nursing student from four universities in Busan and Yangsan, South Korea. A self-report questionnaire was used to collect data on incivility, coping, and burnout. Finally total 117 nursing students' data was analyzed except 3 nursing students who had never experienced nurse's incivility for clinical practice. Data analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression.
97.5% of subjects (n=120) experienced incivility. Incivility was positively correlated with seeking social support coping, avoiding focused coping and burnout. Incivility and avoiding focused coping had a significant positive effect on burnout. The explained variance for burnout was 10.0% and avoiding focused coping was the most significant factor in burnout.
Most of nursing students experience the nurses' incivility. Judging incivility as a difficult problem to solve, students use more avoiding focused coping strategy and burnout is increased. Therefore education is needed to improve the coping strategies at incivility. Additionally colleges and hospitals should establish the formal reporting system to handle the incivility.


Incivility; Burnout; Coping; Nursing student; Clinical practice

MeSH Terms

Statistics as Topic
Students, Nursing*

Cited by  1 articles

Effect of Incivility, Resilience, and Social Support Experienced by Nursing Students on Burnout in Clinical Practice
Eun Jung Lee, Mi-Hae Sung, Hye-Kyong Ahn, Yun Ah Kim
Korean J Women Health Nurs. 2019;25(1):86-98.    doi: 10.4069/kjwhn.2019.25.1.86.


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