J Pathol Transl Med.  2016 Sep;50(5):401-403. 10.4132/jptm.2016.02.16.

Clear Cell Papulosis: A Case Report

  • 1Department of Pathology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. csikpark@amc.seoul.kr


No abstract available.


  • Fig. 1. (A) Many small whitish macules are present on the trunk and are particularly numerous in the lower abdomen and pubic area (arrowheads). The milk-line distribution of the lesions is notable. (B) Close-up view of the right pubic areas showing round-to-oval hypopigmented with no scales (arrowheads).

  • Fig. 2. Biopsy of a clear cell papulosis lesion revealing scattered single clear cells in the basal layer with mild acanthosis and no alteration of the keratin layer. (A) There is minimal inflammatory cell infiltration in the dermis. (B) At higher magnification, solitary benign-appearing pagetoid cells with an abundant clear cytoplasm could be observed in the epidermis. No nuclear atypia is noted (arrows, clear cell).

  • Fig. 3. The pagetoid cells strongly express cytokeratin 7 (A) and carcinoembryonic antigen (B) but are negative for either S100 protein (C) or Melan A (D) (arrows, clear cell).


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