J Korean Radiol Soc.  1995 Sep;33(3):339-343.

Measurement of Normal Corpus Callosum with MRI in Korean Adults and Morphological Change of Corpus Callosum by Grade of Hydrocephalus


To measure the size of normal corpus callosum in each portion using objective and reproducible method with MRI and evaluation of morphological change of corpus callosum by grade of hydrocephalus.
Midsagittal Tl-weighted MR imaging of the corpus callosum was investigated in 41 volunteers of normal Korean adults and 19 patients with hydrocephalus. Corpus callosum was measured for the anteroposterior length(A), height(B), and the thickness of genu(C), body (D), splenium(E), and the narrowest portion of body(F). And the analysis of morphology and signal intensity of the corpus callosum were also evaluated. Hydrocephalus was graded as mild, moderate, and severe, and comparision of thickness with normal corpus callosum in each portion was done.
The mean length and height were 72.3mm, 28.6mm in male, and 70.7ram, 28.9mm in female. And the mean dimention for C, D, E, and F were 13.1 ram, 8ram, 13.2mm, 5.2ram in male, and 12.8mm, 7.5ram, 12.3 ram, 5mm in female. The morphology of normal corpus callosum was "hook" shaped on midline sagittal Tl-weighted image. Narrowing at posterior third portion of body were present on 30 cases(73.2%) and even in thickness of the body in 11 cases(26.8%). The signal intensity of the corpus callosum on midsagittal Tl-weighted spin echo image of normal cases was homogeneous hyperintense as compared with cerebral gray matter. In hydrocephalus, A and B were increased and other portions were decreased in thickhess. Genu and the narrowest portion of body showed significant difference of thickness according to the grade of hydrocephalus.
The mean dimention of all portion of corpus callosum were larger in male than female except for callosal height but not significant statistically with the exception of splenium. Hydrocephalus lead to morphological change of the corpus callosum. Among the portion of corpus callosum, genu and the narrowest portion of the body were thought to be the most sensitive indicators of degree in hydrocephalus.

MeSH Terms

Corpus Callosum*
Magnetic Resonance Imaging*
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