J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  2013 Aug;54(8):1241-1247.

The Success Rate and Factors Influencing the Results of Pneumatic Retinopexy

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Dankook University Medical College, Cheonan, Korea. changmh@dankook.ac.kr


To evaluate the success rate of pneumatic retinopexy and the preoperative factors influencing the results in the rhegmatogenous retinal detachment patients.
We analyzed retrospectively the preoperative and postoperative retinal findings and postoperative complication in 152 eyes of 150 patients with uncomplicated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, who had undergone pneumatic retinopexy and were followed up for at least 3 months. We analyzed preoperative factors, including age, sex, location and numbers of retinal tears, duration of retinal detachment, lens status, and refractive error.
The success rate of the initial surgery was 72.37%. The success rate was significantly higher in non-high myopic and phakic eyes, and when the retinal detachment was less than 3 quadrants with the retinal break located superiorly. Accordingly, the success rate was 85.87% (79 of 92 eyes).
In the present study, the anatomical success rate of primary pneumatic retinopexy was more than 70%. If pneumatic retinopexy is performed to non-high myopic, phakic eyes, and retinal detachment is less than 3 quadrants with superior retinal break, the surgeon can expect good anatomical outcomes and consider pneumatic retinopexy as a first management in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment patients.


Pneumatic retinopexy; Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; Success rate

MeSH Terms

Postoperative Complications
Retinal Detachment
Retinal Perforations
Retrospective Studies


  • Figure 1. Anatomic success after initial procedure according to duration of retinal detachment (p = 0.633, Oneway ANOVA).

  • Figure 2. Anatomic success after initial procedure according to extent of retinal detachment (p = 0.008, Oneway ANOVA).

  • Figure 3. Anatomic success after initial procedure according to lens status and refractive error (p = 0.014, p = 0.009, Chi- Square test).



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