J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.  1998 Sep;39(9):2173-2181.

Two Successful Cases of PJ Rigid Gas Permealble Contact Lens after Myopic Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy

  • 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kangnam St. Mary's Hostpital, The Catholic University of Medical College, Seoul, Korea.


To improve visual acuity of patients with myopic regression and corneal haze after myopic excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy(PRK), rigid gas permeable(RGP) lens have been recommended. however, spherical RGP lenses cause problems in some cases. We experienced two patients who had some problems with a spherical RGP lens after PRK, but recovered with PJ lens(Park and Joo type RGP lsens) with two base curves of optical zone depending on native patient's keratometric readings. We examined weekly and a corneal topography monthly. Some problems like superficial punctate erosion and corneal molding by spherical RGP lens were disappeared and central corneas regained their original figures and became to be spherical with the more desirable curvature 3 months after PJ lens fitting. Additionally, there was no complication. With these results, we suggest that PJ lens, newly designed RGP lens, can be a choice of RGP lens to improve a corrected visual acuity without complication in case of the patients performed myopic refractive surgery like PRK.


Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy; PJ lens; PRK; RGP lens

MeSH Terms

Corneal Topography
Lasers, Excimer*
Photorefractive Keratectomy*
Refractive Surgical Procedures
Visual Acuity
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