J Korean Soc Coloproctol.
2009 Aug;25(4):268-272.
Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy and Cholecystectomy for a Cholecystocolic Fistula
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Surgery, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea. bckimgs@hallym.or.kr
- 2Department of Gastroenterology, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea.
- 3Department of Radiology, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea.
- A cholecystocolic fistula (CF) is an uncommon complication of the gallbladder and colonic disease. We report a case of a CF that was successfully managed by using a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy and cholecystectomy. A 49-yr-old woman was admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine because of intermittent and progressive right upper quadrant pain. She was obese (body mass index: 34 kg/m2) and had a previous history of three abdominal surgeries. She was diagnosed with a CF by using abdominal computed tomography. The fistula between the gallbladder and the hepatic flexure of the colon was also characterized by using technetium-99m diisopropyl iminodiacetic acid ((99m)Tc-DISIDA) cholescintigraphy, a double-contrast Barium enema, and colonoscopy. Multiple polyps with severe inflammation were observed around the orifice of the fistula. Because of the risk of malignancy and appendicolith on CT, a laparoscopic en block excision of the gallbladder and the right colon following adhesiolysis was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 9. This case shows that the laparoscopic combined resection is safe and effective in the experienced hands of the laparoscopic surgeon even though a CF has traditionally been considered as a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery. While the incidence of successful management of biliary-enteric fistulas through laparoscopic repair is increasing, this is the first report of a laparoscopic combined resection of a CF in an obese patient with severe intraabdominal adhesion.