J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2012 Dec;18(4):374-382.

Effects of Nurse's Organizational Conflict on Organizational Commitment and Labor Union Commitment in University Hospitals

  • 1Chosun Nursing College, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Chodang University, Korea. khs5@chodang.ac.kr


This study was done to investigate the effects of university hospital nurses' organizational conflict between organizational commitment and labor union commitment, so as to provide data on prevention of conflict with the hospital and to improve work achievement with commitment of two different groups: hospital and labor union commitment.
Data collection was conducted from May 15 to 31, 2011 for nurses registered in the labor union of a university hospital. The collected data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test and multiple regression.
Organizational commitment of the nurses showed significant differences according to age, position and work experience, and degree of labor union commitment according to academic achievement. The factors affecting labor union commitment were organizational conflict and recognition of need for labor union, which accounted for 19% of the variance. Factors affecting organizational commitment were organizational conflict, recognition of need for labor union, participation in organizational events, and renewal of membership in the union, which accounted for 33% of the variance.
The results of this study indicate that there is a need to improve work achievement by minimizing conflict and preventing labor disputes for better organizational commitment and labor union commitment of nurses.


Organization conflict; Organization commitment; Labor union commitment

MeSH Terms

Data Collection
Dissent and Disputes
Hospitals, University
Labor Unions


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