Pediatr Allergy Respir Dis.
1997 Sep;7(2):248-264.
Growth, Nutrient Intake and AlIergic Manifestations of the Infants with FamiIy HistoIT of Allergy Fed on HypoaIlergenic Formula vs. GeneraI FormuIa
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Food & Nutrition, Sungshis Women`s University, Seoul, Korea.
- 2Deparbnent of Pediatrics, college of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.
- 3Maeil Nutritional Research Center; Seoul, Korea.
- This study was designed to investigate growth pattern, nutrient intake, and effecton development of allergic disorders in infants with family history of alIergic diseases fed on hypoallergenic formula(HA) and general formula (GF). This study was done on 101 infants from June, 1996 to May, 1997. Questionnaire were obtained from each mother of infants. Questionaire were inc1uded family history, the growth, nutrient intake, allergic symptoms. Frequent clinical features of these infants was atopic dermatitis89.196, respiratory infection56.4%, rhinitis47.5% and infants with two symptoms was 66.3% HA fed group and GF fed group did not differ significantly on the growth and the energy and protein intake do not meet RDA. HA fed infants compared with the GF fed infants, those fed the HA had higher zinc, fo1ate, copper intake and 1ower protein and phosphorus. HA fed group did seem to have effect on the development of allergic disorders such as atopic demnatitis, respiratory infection, rhinitis. but GF fed group did not reveaI any statistically significant differences. In Conclusion, Hypoallergenic formula fed group seem to have effects on alIergic symptoms in infants at first year with family history of allergy. But it might be suggested that follow-up study is needed to inspect whether the significant effects on the al1ergic symptoms.