Korean J Women Health Nurs.  2008 Dec;14(4):257-269. 10.4069/kjwhn.2008.14.4.257.

A Study of Educational Need, Attitude and Knowledge toward Menopause in Middle-aged Women

  • 1Department of Nursing, Seoil College, Korea. yeoneun@ seoil.ac.kr


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate educational needs, knowledge and attitude towards menopause in middle-aged women METHOD: The research design was a descriptive study. The subjects of this study were 231 middle-aged women. Data was collected from a structured questionnaire from October 2 to November 30, 2007. RESULT: The score of educational needs towards menopause was relatively high at 3.83/5. The score of educational needs related to 'Osteoporosis'(3.99 score), 'Cardiovascular disease' (3.91 score), and 'Hormone replacement therapy'(3.87 score) was relatively high. The score of knowledge towards menopause was relatively low at 17.28/30. The score of attitude towards menopause was neutral at 2.3/4. The relationship between knowledge and attitude towards menopause revealed a negative significant correlation (r=-.194, p=.003). The relationship between knowledge and educational needs towards menopause revealed a positive significant correlation (r=0.275, p<.0001). The degree of educational needs of women before menopause is higher than in menopausal women.
There is a need to develop a continuing educational program according to age and menopause condition. Specialists (Nurses) must give information about menopause for a positive attitude toward menopause.


Menopause; Knowledge; Attitude; Education

MeSH Terms

Surveys and Questionnaires
Research Design


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