Korean J Dermatol.
1997 Feb;35(1):214-219.
A Case of Weber-Cockayne Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex - Ultrastructural Findings
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is a group of autosomal dominantly inherited genetic disorders characterized by blistering due to mechanical- stress-induced degeneration of basal epiderrnal cells. Recently, it was discovered that EBS is induced by keratin 5 and 14 gene mutations. Weber Cockayne (W-C) EBS is the mildest type, with blistering concentrates primarily on palar and plantar regions, and basal cell cytolysis by keratin filament perturbations is present. Herein we report a case of W-C EBS with its ultrastructural findings. Electron microscopy showed cytolysis and separation of the basal epidermal cells, mainly at the subnuclear cytoplasm. The cyto- plasm of basal cells showed edema, loosening and intact rnitochondria. Besides the cytoplasmic changes, the nucleus also showed lytic degeneration. Characteristically, dense condensation of tonofilarnent was observed, which suggests that W-C EBS is. also a disorder of keratin.