J Korean Acad Adult Nurs.  1999 Dec;11(4):694-705.

Symptom Experiences and Quality of Life in People with Asthma

  • 1College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Korea.


The major purpose of this study was to evaluate the asthma related quality of life in relation to asthma control/severity, multidimensional symptom experience (frequency, intensity distress), and socioeconomic status in adults with asthma. Data was collected by mailed-survey to 384 people with asthma and 172 responded. The mean of the respondents age was 49.6 yrs. The mean of the length of time they were diagnosed as having asthma was 21 yrs. Asthma was well controlled in this sample. The findings revealed that overall asthma related quality of life were relatively good in this sample. In terms of symptom experience, shortness of breath was identified as the most frequent, severe, and distressful of the four asthma symptoms. The score for symptom distress was significantly lower than the score for the frequency and severity across all asthma symptoms. The results indicate that symptoms occurred frequently and intensely, but they were not always distressing to the subjects. Among the three symptom dimensions, distress was the best predictor for asthma related quality of life measured by LWAQ. Results of Multiple regression analysis indicated that asthma severity, symptom distress, and socioeconomic status influenced the quality of life(R2=.66, F (3,68)=44.37, P=.000). Findings highlight the importance of symptom distress with respect to the quality of life of people with asthma.


Symptom experience; Quality of life; Asthma

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Quality of Life*
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Surveys and Questionnaires
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