Korean J Urol.  1971 Sep;12(3):319-324.

Clinical Observation on Cystoscopic Removal of Ureteral Stone using Woven Loop Stone Dislodger

  • 1Department of Urology, Woo Sok University Medical College Seoul, Korea.


The cystoscopic manipulation was applied in 89 cases of ureteral Stone who visited the Department of Urology, Woo Sok University medical College Hospital during the period of 1 year 8 months From Jan, 1st 1970 to Aug. 31st, 1971, using woven loop stone dislodger and following results were obtained. 1) In 66 cases, ureteral stone was extracted successfully. 2) Among the 66 successful cases, 50 ureteral stones were extracted immediately and in 16 cases, stone was delivered spontaneously after cystoscopic manipulation, among them, 14 cases Within 5 days, 1 case after 26 days and 1 case after 2 months. 3) 2 successful cases were upper ureteral stone and 4 were middle ureteral stone and all of this 6 ureteral stone were extracted immediately. 4) The largest stone extracted was 11 mm X 14 mm in size. 5) No specific complications were found during or after cystoscopic manipulation.


woven loop stone dislodger; cystoscopic removal of ureteral stone

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