Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
2000 Oct;33(10):851-854.
Tuberculoma in a 3-year-old child
- Tuberculomas of the lung are rare in children and one of the more common lesions presenting a solitary pulmonary nodule roetgenorgraphically. We are reporting of a 3-year-old child with a tuberculoma in left upper lobe. The patient was initially diagnosed as the benign mediastinal tumor but in the end as tuberculoma in left uper lobe. Wedge resection including the mass was done. The tumor had brown smooth external surfaces on sectioning including the mass was done. The tumor had brown smooth external surfaces on sectioning show pale gray and soft cut surface was shown. In light electromicroscopy chronic granulomas with multinucleated giant cells and central caseous necrosis were observed which are the characteristics of tuberculoma. The postopeative course was smooth and uneventful and patient has been well for 4 months postoperatively.