Korean J Rehabil Nurs.  1999 Jun;2(1):29-44.

The Need for Rehabilitation Day Care Program Service of Stroke Survivors


This study was carried out to obtain basic data required to plan and develop Rehabilitation Day Care Program for the stroke survivors at home in Korea. The subjects comprised of 118 stroke survivors who discharged from 4 hospitals in Seoul during the past 2 years. The data were collected from August 3, 1998 to September 18, 1998, through interviews with questionnaires about general characteristics, activities of daily living, depression and service need of rehabilitation day care program at the outpatient clinics by trained nursing graduates. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, Pearson's correlation analysis, and Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS/WIN program. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The mean score of the general need of rehabilitation day care program of stroke survivors was 2.78(range 1-4). The highest need among the service categories of the rehabilitation day care program was self-care and restorative activities category, and health services referral category, recreation category, psychosocial activities category in order. The needs of each category are as follows ; 1) In the health services referral category, the need for speech therapy was highest, followed by the need for physical therapy and occupational therapy. 2) In the psychosocial activities category, the need for self-help group was highest. 3) In the self-care and restorative activities category, the need for bathing was highest, followed by bowel training, and ambulation training. 4) The need for the recreation category was 2.62. 2. Among the need for the effect related to the utilization of day care program, the need for survivors' physical and psychological well-being was highest and was followed by the need for caregiver's physical and psychological wellbeing. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed following results; 1. The need for rehabilitation day care program service displayed a correlation with the level of education, ADL, and the level of depression, and a reverse correlation with age. 2. The need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabilitation day care program displayed a correlation with the level of education, ADL, and the level of depression. The stepwise multiple linear regression analysis revealed following results; 1. For the need for rehabilitation day care program service, 28.4% of the variance was initially explained by one variable, level of depression. The level of depression plus two variables, survivors' age and ADL, explained 34.2% of the variance in the need for rehabilitation day care program service. 2. For the need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabiJitation day care program, 12.4% of the variance was initially explained by one variable, level of depression. The level of depression plus one variable, level of education, explained 20.4% of the variance in the need for the effect related to the utilization of rehabilitation day care program. In conclusion, above characteristics should be considered when we are planning to develop stroke survivors' rehabilitation day care program.

MeSH Terms

Activities of Daily Living
Ambulatory Care Facilities
Day Care, Medical*
Health Services
Linear Models
Occupational Therapy
Surveys and Questionnaires
Referral and Consultation
Self Care
Self-Help Groups
Speech Therapy
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