J Asthma Allergy Clin Immunol.  1998 Sep;18(3):473-482.

Linkage analysis between gene marker of chromosome 11q13 and total serum IgE level in sib - pairs with probands of asthmatic children


BACKGROUND: It is known that total serum IgE levels closely corrleate with prevaience of asthma regardless of atopic status. Although heredity is reported to be important in expression of total serum IgE in twin studies, genetic factor controlling this phenotype is controversial. Objective .' To evaluate whether genetic factor in chromosome 1 1q13 may control the expression of tatal serum IgE level, linkage analysis between this phenotype and gene marker of chromosome 11q13 was investigated. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Total serum IgE level and the genotype of chromosome 11q13 with microsatellite marker (D11597) was determined in 73 probands of asthmatic chiMren and 76 their sibs. Statistical significance of linkage was evaluated by affected and quantitative trait locus (QTL) sib-pair analysis. RESULT: In 20 affected sib-pairs with total serum IgE level higher than 305 IU/ml (geometric mean plus two folds SD in 53 normal controls), two D11S97 alleles were shared by ten sib-pairs, one allele by nine sib-pairs, and no allele by one sib-pairs. Sharing rate of the alleles in affect,ed sib-pairs, was 72.5%, which indicates linkage of the phenotype and genotype (x=4. 27, p=0.03). In 35 sib-pairs with total serum IgE level higher than 170 IU/ml (geometric mean plus one fold SD in 53 normal controls), two D11S97 alleles were shared by 16 sib-pairs, one allele by 15 sib-pairs, and no allele by four sib-pairs. The shar ing rate of the alleles in affected sibpairs, was 67.1%, which indicates linkage of the phenotype and the genotype(x=4. 24, p=0.03). Difference of geometric value of total serum IgE levels between probands and their sibs wa,s smaller in 32 sib-pairs sharing two alleles than in 32 those sharing one allele and 12 those with no identical allele (0.45+0.07 vs. 0.52+0.07 vs. 0.89 +0.21).
The expression of total serum IgE level was linked to gene marker of chromosome 11q13.


total serum IgE; chromosome 11q13; sib - pair analysis; asthma

MeSH Terms

Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1
Immunoglobulin E*
Microsatellite Repeats
Quantitative Trait Loci
Immunoglobulin E
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