Korean J Otolaryngol-Head Neck Surg.  2002 Apr;45(4):341-347.

Effects of Experimentally Induced Maxillary Sinusitis on Ciliary Beat Frequency and Histopathology of the Nasal Mucosa in Rabbits

  • 1Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. soonkwan@unitel.co.kr


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although sinusitis is commonly caused by nasal diseases that interfere with ostiomeatal unit, non-rhinogenic sinusitis, for example, post-traumatic or odontogenic, is often encountered. However, it remains unclear whether non-rhinogenic sinusitis affects the function and morphology of the nasal mucosa. The aim of the current study is to observe effects of experimentally induced maxillary sinusitis on ciliary beat frequency and histopathology of the nasal mucosa in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Maxillary sinusitis was induced in the right sides of 10 rabbits by partially occluding the natural ostia and inoculating the maxillary sinus with P. aeruginosa. After 4 weeks, the nasal mucosa was obtained from the inferior turbinate and the septum in the right (experimental group) and the left side (control group A). Both sides of the nasal mucosa in another 5 normal rabbits were used as the control group B. Ciliary beat frequency (CBF) was measured by video-computerized analysis and degree of inflammation in histopathology was graded using a 100-point scale of inflammation score. CBF and inflammation score were compared between the three groups.
CBFs of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control groups A and B. Inflammation scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control groups. In the experimental group, there were no correlations between CBFs of the maxillary and nasal mucosa, but weak correlations existed between inflammation scores of the maxillary and nasal mucosa.
Primary maxillary sinusitis can locally induce dysfunction and inflammation of the nasal mucosa.


Maxillary sinusitis; Ciliary beat frequency; Histopathology; Nasal mucosa; Rabbit

MeSH Terms

Maxillary Sinus*
Maxillary Sinusitis*
Nasal Mucosa*
Nose Diseases
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