Korean J Otolaryngol-Head Neck Surg.  2000 Jul;43(7):698-702.

Subjective Satisfaction in Hearing Aid Users by APHAB

  • 1Department of Otolaryngology, Asan Medical Center, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea. kslee2@amc.seoul.kr


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: This investigation evaluated the level of subjective satisfaction in hearing aid users by using Abbrieviate Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The APHAB is a subjective evaluation method for hearing aid users. The APHAB consists of 24 items with 4 subscales including Ease of Communication (EC), Reverberation (RV), Background noise (BN), and Aversiveness (AV). 3Ve applied for APHAR to evaluate the subjective satisfaction level in 45 compressive types of hearing aids. The APHAB scores were evaluated according to the types of hearing loss, audiologic patterns of pure tone audiograms, the degree of SRT and the types of hearing aids. In each item, subjects respond to each question on the basis of how they believe the performance of their hearing aid is using a 7-point scale. Subjects were tested both unaided and aided for each specified listening situation. The hearing aid benefit is defined as the diR'erence of percentage between the unaided and aided performance scores. RESULTS: In SRT, moderate hearing loss group showed a higher satisfaction in Ease of Communication, Aversiveness (p<0.05). The group that showed a flat audiogram revealed a higher satisfaction in Ease of Communication, Background noise (p<0.01). There was no significant difference of scores of benefit in types of hearing loss and types of hearing aids. CONCLUSION: Hearing aids are more beneficial in patients who have moderate hearing loss and flat audiogram pattern.


Satisfaction; Hearing aid; APHAR

MeSH Terms

Hearing Aids*
Hearing Loss
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