Korean J Obes.  2009 Mar;18(1):24-30.

Ten Year Change of Body Mass Index in Korean: 1997~2007

  • 1National Health Insurance Corporation and Department of Public Health, Graduate School Chungnam National University, Korea.
  • 2Department of Preventive Medicine and public Health, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University,and Research Institute for Medical Sciences, Korea.choyc@cnu.ac.kr


BACKGROUND: This study was to estimate the change of obesity for 10 years (1997~2007) in korean adults, people who had undergone one biennial medical examinations which represent characteristics of Korean through the National Health Insurance Corporation.
This study was to estimate the change of obesity level for 10 years (1997~2007) in korean adults, which targets on the 5,420 (4,556 men and 864 women) people who had undergone one biennial medical examinations, which are six times total. The change of body weight and body mass index for 10 years was displayed as mean and standard deviation, and the difference of mean value was examined by pared t-test and ANOVA trend test. Chi-square test was used for the cross-analysis of categorical variables
For 10 years, the average change range of body mass index was more broad in the case of men than women as the obesity level of men increased 1.0 +/-1.72 kg/m2 and the level of women was 0.7 +/-1.98 kg/m2. About the distribution aspect of obesity level for 10 years, underweight group and normal group of both sexes decreased significantly as the year passed. Meanwhile, the group of overweight and obesity increased significantly as the year passed. Considering the change aspect of obesity level for 10 years, the group of underweight in both sexes turned into normal group or kept underweight. The group of normal kept as usual or turned into overweight group in many cases. The group of overweight kept as usual or turned into obesity group in many cases. The group of obesity kept as obesity for the most part
Obesity in Korean adults is increasing continuously for the recent 10 years (1997~2007). It is suggested that our country need to approach for the prevention of obesity and medical cure in policy in order to reduce this trend


Obesity; Body mass index; 10 year-change; Korean

MeSH Terms

Body Mass Index
Body Weight
National Health Programs
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