Korean J Nutr.  2009 Jul;42(5):464-473. 10.4163/kjn.2009.42.5.464.

Analysis of Serum Antioxidant Materials Concentration and Their Relation with Blood Lipids and Anthropometric Indices in Middle-Aged Adults in Korea

  • 1Department of Food Science and NutritiondCenter for Beautiful Aging, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea. hslee@knu.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu 702-701, Korea.


The serum levels of antioxidant materials (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, retinol) of the healthy Korean middle-aged adults (n = 373) were measured and their relationships with the serum lipids and anthropometric indices were analyzed. The serum levels of beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein were higher than those of lycopene and alpha-carotene. The levels of all measured carotenoids except lutein were significantly higher in females than in males, but retinol level was vice versa. There was a tendency of increase in serum levels of antioxidant vitamins with increasing age. The serum carotenoid levels had a positive correlation with serum cholesterol and a negative correlation with serum triglyceride. The serum levels of tocopherols or retinol showed a significantly positive relationship with blood cholesterol or triglyceride. In overall, anthropometric indices showed negative relations with serum carotenoids levels, but vice versa with serum tocopherol or retinol levels. Particularly, beta-carotene and lutein levels showed a significantly negative relation with blood pressure in male subjects. The serum levels of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin had significantly negative relations with body fat-related indices in female subjects. The results demonstrated that blood antioxidants levels differed by sex and age, and had significant relations with blood lipid levels and anthropometric indices. Therefore, the rationale and significance of the relationships need to be elucidated in the future study related to dietary intakes and life style.


serum carotenoids; tocopherol; retinol; blood lipid; anthropometric indice

MeSH Terms

beta Carotene
Blood Pressure
Life Style
Vitamin A
Vitamin A
beta Carotene

Cited by  1 articles

Vitamin E status of 20- to 59-year-old adults living in the Seoul metropolitan area of South Korea
Young-Nam Kim, Youn-Ok Cho
Nutr Res Pract. 2015;9(2):192-198.    doi: 10.4162/nrp.2015.9.2.192.


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