Korean J Gynecol Oncol Colposc.  1993 Dec;4(4):56-64.

The Efficacy of Tumor Markers SCCA and CEA in Patients with Uterine Cervical Cancer


The uterine cervical cancer is the rnost common tumor of malignant gynecologic tumors and complete remission of the cancer has been possible through early diagnosis and treatment. To evaluate the efficacy of tumor markers SCCA and CEA in patients with uterine cervical cancer as markers for monitoring, we analyzed serum SCCA and CEA crncentrations of 43 patients wit.h uterine cervical caner as a study group and 73 patients with benign pelvic disease as a contrnl group, were admitted to depar tment of Obstetncs & Gynecology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University from May 1991 to January 1993. The results were as follows ; 1. The distrihution of the clinical stages of 43 cervical cancers were : CIS 9, stage I 11, stage II 12, stageg III 5, stage lV 6. 2. The positive rate of SCCA of control group was 17%, and that of CEA nf control group was 12%. And the positive rate of SCCA of study group was 46.5% and that of CEA of study was 27.9%. 3. The average concentration of SCCA of control group was 0.71ng/ml and that of SCCA of study group was 8.25ng/ml(p<0.05). 4. The average concentration of CEA of control group was 1.95ng/ml and that of CEA of study group was 8.33ng/ml(p<.0.05). 5. The average concentration of SCCA by stage were 1.15ng/rnl for C1S, 1.14ng/ml for stage I, 9.72ng/rnl for stage III, 16.75ng/rnl for stage III, 21.95ng/ml for stage IV. Here, the mean value of SCCA was increased stepwise through cliinical stage, there was a correlation between the clinical stage and the concen tration of serum SCCA (p>0.05). 6.The average concentration of CEA by stage were 3.11ng/ml for CIS, 1.96ng/ml for stage I, 8.11ng/rnl for stage II, 18.92ng/ml for stage III, 19.44ng/ml for stage IV. There was not a correlation between the clinical stage and the concentration of serm CEA. 7. When the cervical cancer was divided by histologic subtypes, the average concentration of SCCA in squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix was 11.86ng/ml and the positive rate of SCCA in squamous cell carcinoma was 53.6%(9.46ng/ml & 58.8% in large keratinizing cell type, 15.56ng/ml & 45.5% in large nonkeratinizing cell type). And the average concentration of SCCA in adenocarcinoma was 1.32ng/ml positive rate was 40.0%. The tumor marker SCCA was more sensitive to squamous cell carcinoma rather than adenocarcinoma. 8. The sensitivities of SCCA in preinvasive cancer and invasive cancer were 22.2% and 52.9%, respectively. The average concentration of SCCA in invasive cancer was 10.04ng/ml and was more significantly elevated than of SCCA in preinvasive cancer. 9. Using SCCA & CEA together as markers for monitoring, the positive rate significantly incresaed to 70.6%(p<0.05). But measuring the two tumor marker alone, that not significantly increased. 10) . The diagnostic efficacy of SCCA in cervical cancer was 59.0%, that was higher as compaired with that of CEA. These results suggest that the serum concentration of SCCA is significantly increased stepwise by clinical stage and concomitant measurements of serum SCCA & CEA are more useful in diagnosis of cervical cancer. However measurements of SCCA and/or CEA have little efficacy in the detection of early cervical cancer considering it's low rate of positivity in early cervical cancer. We will evaluate the efficacy of two tumor markers in determining prognosis, therapeutic response and early detection of recurrence for the posttreatment patients in the future.


concomitant measurements; efficacy; early detection

MeSH Terms

Carcinoma, Squamous Cell
Cervix Uteri
Early Diagnosis
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
Biomarkers, Tumor*
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms*
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
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