Korean J Community Nutr.  2004 Feb;9(1):58-65.

Plasma LDL Particle Sizes Affect the Blood Lipid Profile and Dietary Intakes among Korean Adults

  • 1Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. choihm@snu.ac.kr
  • 2Department of Internal Medicine, Heart Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seong-nam, Korea.


The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the plasma LDL particle size and blood lipid profile, dietary factors and anthropometric values (body mass index, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio). The subjects were 173 adults aged 23 to 81 years, selected from the Outpatient Clinic and Cardiovascular Department of the Seoul Municipal Hospital. Dietary data were obtained using a 3-day food record and analyzed using Korean and US nutrient databases. The subjects were divided into three groups by LDL particle size:type A (large buoyant LDL, > 25.5 nm, n = 96), type I (Intermediate LDL, 25.2 < or = - < or = 25.5 nm, n = 18), and type B (small dense LDL, < 25.2 nm, n = 59) groups. The type B group had higher age, waist circumference, and waist/hip ratio (WHR) than the type A and type I groups. Serum concentration of triglyceride, Apo B, LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio and atherogenic index were significantly higher in the type B group as compared to those in the other two groups. HDL cholesterol level and Apo A-I/Apo B ratio were significantly lower in the type B group than the other two groups. The plasma LDL particle size was highly correlated with triglyceride (r = -0.450), Apo B (r = -0.402) and HDL cholesterol (r = 0.418). However, there was no correlation between plasma LDL particle size and dietary intakes. This study showed that small dense LDL was an important biochemical risk factor that was associated with other risk factors.


plasma LDL particle size; waist/hip ratio (WHR); triglyceride; HDL-C; LDL-C/HDL-C; Apo B

MeSH Terms

Ambulatory Care Facilities
Apolipoproteins B
Cholesterol, HDL
Hospitals, Municipal
Particle Size*
Risk Factors
Waist Circumference
Apolipoproteins B
Cholesterol, HDL
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