Korean J Dermatol.
1979 Oct;17(5):311-317.
The Histopathologic Observation in Guinea pig Skin with Local Injection of Bleomycin
Bleoxycin is known to have good therapeutic effect on verrucae, which has been used for varioua malignant turnors for its antimitatic effect RecentIy Kim & Kim, reported an exceIIent treatment method. of verrucae with Bleomycin using needle free. They poetulated that the excellent effcts were achievei thraugh infiltration of the ekin, in.cluding the affected epidermis, with Bleomycin which is not possible with other rnethods, It is therefore interesting to know the effects of Dermajet instilled Bleomycin an normal ekin. We selected guinea pigs for thia experirnent. Five albino guixim pigs, weighting about 500 Gm, were ueed. Bleomycin water ohxtion, 0.25mg/ml, 0.06ml for each chet was injected utilizing Dermojet on the back of a guinea pig after clipping. The injected sites and the contralateral sites were tiopsied a,fter vaxying length of time and histologia examinationa were made. The experiment was eoarranged that the biopsies for different experiment aitea celd be done on oxeittirnig. Fix hours after the bleomycin injection, the epidermis becase shrunk and t@4e upper dermie showed aligbt inflammatory infiltration. After 10 hours. and also after 24 houra, a auperficial ulceration and necrosis were noted and the dermal infiltration became progressively severer. After 2 days epithelization, had started and. the necrotic debris began to drop off. After 4 daya the epithelization was camplete. These findings were in sorne part similar to the findings observed in humans by Kirn and Kim in the treatment af verruca but th time sequenc was far faster in guinea pigs.