J Korean Ophthalmol Soc.
1995 Sep;36(9):1454-1461.
The Evaluation of Capsule Contraction Syndrome
- Affiliations
- 1St. Mary's Eye Hospital., Inc Pusan, Korea.
As increasing demands for CCC (Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis) fincreases, the incidence of capsule contraction syndrome is also increasing in cataract surgery. We tried to classify and treat this syndrome with 44 eyes who have capsule contraction. It is known that the basic mechanism of capsule contraction is fibrotic dysplasia of anterior capsule, and we found that capsular contraction can arise with glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, uveitis, retinitis pigmentosa, psuedoexfoliation syndrome and old aged group as ordered. It can also be frequently can be found in age 50 to 60. In order to decrease the complication of capsule contraction(IOL dislocation, retinal detachment, etc.), we incised the anterial capsule with Nd:Yag laser at the time of fibrotic change. For the case of weak zonules, we made a radial incision in the 12 o'clock direction after IOL insertion.