J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg.
1998 Jun;25(4):633-643.
The application of cranofacial osteotomies to surgical exposure of crantofacial tumors
- Access to the craniofacial skeleton and skull base requires osteotomies. An adequate exposure of neoplasms occupying the skull base and the oral cavity and oropharynx, especially retromolar trigone, is very important for precise tumor ablation. The demonstration by Tessier of the capacity for large segments of bone to survive removal and replacement has enabled skull base tumor surgery to grow into a subspeciality. Through the refined craniofacial exposure osteotomies, the surgery is safer, the operation shorter, and the result better both oncologically and reconstructively. We experienced 24 cases of exposure osteotomies consisting of 12 cases transzygomatic approaches, 1 case tranglabellar osteotomy, 1 case lateral transmaxillary approach, 1 case Le Fort II & midline splitting, and 9 cases mandibulotomy. There was no significant complication except a local wound infection in transzygomatic approach and one case of minimal malocclusion after parasymphyseal mandibulotomy. The orthotopic bone graft and the rigid fixation enables the postoperative morbidity to decrease. It seems that the previously inaccessible craniofacial tumors can be treated through the various exposure osteotomies.