J Korean Soc Ther Radiol.  1993 Jun;11(1):167-174.

Development of 3-D Radiosurgery Planning System Using IBM Personal Computer

  • 1Department of Radiation Catholic University Medical College, Seoul Nation University Medical College, Korea.
  • 2Department of Radiation Therapy, Seoul Nation University Medical College, Korea.
  • 3Department of Electrical Engineering Kyung Hee University, Korea.
  • 4Department of Medical Engineering Kun Kuk University, Korea.


Recently, stereotactic radiosurgery plan is required with the information of 3-D image and dose distribution. A project has been doing if developing LINAC based stereotactic radiosurgery since April 1991. The purpose of this research is to develop 3-D radiosurgery planning system using personal computer. The procedure of this research is based on two steps. The first step is to develop 3-D localization system, which input the image information of the patient, coordinate transformation, the position and shape of target, and patient contour into computer system using CT image and stereotactic frame. The second step is to develop 3-D dose planning system, which compute dose distribution on image plane, display on high resolution monitor both isodose distribution and patient image simultaneously and develop menu-driven planning system. This prototype of radiosurgery planning system was applied recently for several clinical cases. It was shown that our planning system is fast, accurate and efficient while making it possible to handle various kinds of image modalities such as angiography, CT and MRI. It makes it possible to develop general 3-D planning system using beam's eye view or CT simulation in radiation therapy in future.


Radiosurgery Planning System; LINAC; 3-D Localization System

MeSH Terms

Computer Systems
Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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