J Korean Acad Prosthodont.  2000 Aug;38(4):552-560.

Statistical Study on Optimal Placement of Immediate Dental Implantation Using Denta Scanr


PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to determine proper position and angulation of an implant for immediate implantation. MATERIALS AND METHOD : From the years 1997 to 2000, 52 Denta scanR views, 22 upper and 32 lower jaw with an average age of 43 and 40 respectively, were investigated, which comprise intact upper and lower 6 anterior teeth and premolars. on the Denta scanR, the optimal placement for the immediated implantation was simulated. The measuring methods included. 1) Angulation difference between tooth long axis and alveolar bone process. 2) Angulation difference of long axis between tooth and installing fixture 3) Distance between center of tooth at cervical area and center of fixture. 4) Distance from root apex to the bone limit of vital structure. One sample t-test was used for statistical analysis. RESULT : The results were as follows. 1) At the maxillary central incisor and lateral incisor, angulation difference of long axis between tooth and installing fixture was respectively 0.5 and 3.2degrees with the fixture center's palatally positioned 2mm apart from tooth center. 2) At the lower anterior 6 teeth, that was about -2.8degree to -4.6degree with the fixture center's lingually positioned 1mm apart from tooth center. 3) At the maxillary canine and premolar, that was respectively 11.8degree and 7.2degree with the fixture center palatally positioned 2~2.4mm apart from tooth center. 4) At the lower premolar area, that was about 0degree to 2degree with the fixture center's lingually positioned 0.5~1mm apart from tooth center. 5) Distance from root apex to the bone limit of vital structure, at the maxillary anterior and premolars, was the range of 10 to 12mm, and at the mandibular anterior teeth and the 1st premolar, that was the range of 18 to 20mm.
: The proper implant position of maxillary anterior and premolar teeth is as paralleled as or more buccally angulated than long axis of tooth with the fixture center's palatally positioned. in mandibular anterior region, long axis of implants is lingully angulated compared with compared with long axis of tooth and in premolar, almost parelleled with long axis of tooth and alveolar process.

MeSH Terms

Alveolar Process
Axis, Cervical Vertebra
Dental Implantation*
Dental Implants*
Statistics as Topic*
Dental Implants
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