J Genet Med.  2010 Dec;7(2):119-124.

Exome Sequencing in Mendelian Disorders

  • 1Asan Institute for Life Sciences, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. cookie_jklee@hotmail.com


More than 7,000 rare Mendelian diseases have been reported, but less than half of all rare monogenic disorders has been discovered. In addition, the majority of mutations that are known to cause Mendelian disorders are located in protein-coding regions. Therefore, exome sequencing is an efficient strategy to selectively sequence the coding regions of the human genome to identify novel genes associated with rare genetic disorders. The "exome" represents all of the exons in the human genome, constituting about 1.5% of the human genome. Exome sequencing is carried out by targeted capture and intense parallel sequencing. After the first report of successful exome sequencing for the identification of causal genes and mutations in Freeman Sheldon syndrome, exome sequencing has become a standard approach to identify genes in rare Mendelian disorders. Exome sequencing is also used to search the causal genes and variants in complex diseases. The successful use of exome sequencing in Mendelian disorders and complex diseases will facilitate the development of personalized genomic medicine.


Mendelian disorders; Exome sequencing; Next-generation sequencing (NGS)

MeSH Terms

Clinical Coding
Genome, Human
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