J Adv Prosthodont.  2012 Nov;4(4):187-191. 10.4047/jap.2012.4.4.187.

Effect of ascorbic acid, ethanol and acetone on adhesion between the treated fiber posts and composite resin cores

  • 1Member of Dental Research Center, Department of Operative Dentistry, Dental School, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran.
  • 2Dental Private Practice, Kashan, Iran. Zagross1807@gmail.com


The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of ascorbic acid, ethanol and acetone on microtensile bond strength between fiber posts pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide and composite resin cores.
Twenty four fiber posts were pre-treated with 24% hydrogen peroxide and divided into 4 groups as follows: G1: no treatment, as control group; G2: treatment with 10% ascorbic acid solution for 5 minutes; G3: treatment with 70% ethanol solution for 5 minutes; and G4: treatment with 70% acetone solution for 5 minutes. Each fiber post was surrounded by a cylinder-shaped polyglass matrix which was subsequently filled with composite resin. Two sections from each sample were selected for microtensile test at a crosshead with speed of 0.5 mm/min. Statistical analyses were performed using one-way ANOVA and a post hoc Tukey HSD test. Fractured surfaces were observed under a stereomicroscope at x20 magnification. The fractured surfaces of the specimens were observed and evaluated under a SEM.
Means of microtensile bond strength values (MPa) and standard deviations in the groups were as follows: G1: 9.70+/-0.81; G2: 12.62+/-1.80; G3: 16.60+/-1.93; and G4: 21.24+/-1.95. G4 and G1 had the highest and the lowest bond strength values, respectively. A greater bond strength value was seen in G3 compared to G2. There were significant differences between all the groups (P<.001). All the failures were of the adhesive mode.
Application of antioxidant agents may increase microtensile bond strength between fiber posts treated with hydrogen peroxide and composite cores. Acetone increased bond strength more than ascorbic acid and ethanol.


Composite resin core; Fiber post; Antioxidant agents; Acetone; Ethanol; Microtensile bond strength

MeSH Terms

Ascorbic Acid
Hydrogen Peroxide
Ascorbic Acid
Hydrogen Peroxide


  • Fig. 1 Schematic design of the specimen, and testing procedure (P = Post and C = Core).

  • Fig. 2 SEM view of the fractured surface showing adhesive failure on post surface.

  • Fig. 3 SEM views of the fractured surface showing adhesive failure on post surface in the control group (G1). Complete exposure of quartz fibers (1) and presence of epoxy resin (2) between fibers is observed. A (×500) view is magnified in B (×2,000).

  • Fig. 4 SEM views of the fractured surface showing adhesive failure in the acetone group (G4). The exposed quartz fibers (1) and more epoxy resin (2) values are observed on fiber post surface. A (×500) view is magnified in B (×2,000).


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