J Korean Cancer Assoc.  1998 Dec;30(6):1198-1206.

Cytologic Screening History of 249 Patients with Cervical Cancer

  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


Cervical neoplasias are known to be preventable. But the outcome of our efforts for early detection in Korea is disappointing. This study was undertaken to determine the level of screening participation in Korean women with cervical cancer and how the early detection of cervical cancer might be improved.
Two hundred and forty-nine women with cervical cancer diag- nosed and treated at Seoul National University Hospital from September 1996 to February 1998 were subjected to this study. Self-reported cervical cancer screening histories, med- ical records obtainable were reviewed and analysed.
One hundred forty-seven women (147/249; 59.0%) hadn't got through the screen- ing at proper intervals. Ninety-nine women (39.9%) had never been screened and remain- ing 48 (19.3%) hadn't had their last Pap test 3 years before their diagnosis of nvasive cancer. Of the 150 women (60.1%) who had ever had a Pap test, only 47 (18.9%) had had annual Pap test during recent 5 years and 55 (22.1%) had had routine Pap test with interval between 1-3 years. Among 102 women who had at least one Pap test during recent 3 year, 73 (71.6%) had had a normal Pap report within three years of diagnosis, including 36 (35.3%) whose last normal Pap report was within a year of diagnosis. This results suggest the possibilities of smear-taking and/or reading errors. Women who had had routine Pap with interval less than 3 years had significantfy less chance of advanced tumor (FIGO stage Ib < ) than unscreened population. There was a statistically significant trend for the more younger and educated groups to be participated at the screening program with more shortened interval. All the other factors had failed to show significant correlation with adequacy or regularity of screening interval.
Despite widespread chance of opportunistic cervical cancer screening, non-participants form the main reason for the failure of cervical cancer screening in Korea. So, far much efforts should be aimed at participating more women in cervical cytologic screening program, especially in the old-aged and less-educated groups.


Cytologic screening program; Cervical cancer

MeSH Terms

Mass Screening*
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms*
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