Asian Oncol Nurs.  2012 Dec;12(4):305-313. 10.5388/aon.2012.12.4.305.

The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Peripheral Neuropathy, Symptom Distress, Anxiety and Depression in Cancer Patients Treated with Oxaliplatin

  • 1Cancer Center, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Graduate School of Clinical Nursing Science, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Department of Nursing Science, School of Oriental Medicine in Woosuk University, Wanju, Korea.


This study was done to clarify the effects of foot reflexology on peripheral neuropathy, symptom distress, anxiety and depression in cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin.
A quasi-experimental design was employed. Changes in the variables were evaluated to test the effects of foot reflexology. Participants were cancer patients treated with oxaliplatin (experimental group 14 and control group 17). Peripheral neuropathy, symptom distress, anxiety and depression were measured before and after reflexology. Data were collected from October, 2010 to April, 2011. chi2-test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to analyze the data.
The experimental group who received foot reflexology experienced less peripheral neuropathy and symptom distress than the control group. There was no difference in anxiety and depression between the experimental and control group.
The foot reflexology program adopted in this study was found to be an effective method to reduce peripheral neuropathy and symptom distress. We recommend foot reflexology for patients with chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy.


Foot Reflexology; Peripheral Neuropathies; Symptom; Anxiety; Depression

MeSH Terms

Drug Therapy
Peripheral Nervous System Diseases*

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