Hanyang Med Rev.  2015 Feb;35(1):3-8. 10.7599/hmr.2015.35.1.3.

Academic Strategies based on Evidence-Practice Gaps

  • 1Department of Preventive Medicine, Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jejudo, Korea. jmbae@jejunu.ac.kr


A main aim of the Evidence-based Medicine is to make the best decision by related evidence in supplying healthcare services. To apply evidence-practice gap (EPG) is very helpful to scan for what evidence is necessary. EPG gave 4 parts depending on the existence of evidence and practice. Comparative effectiveness research could be suggested in the part on conducting a practice with evidence. Translational research would be applied in the part on no practice without evidence. The adaptation of previously clinical practice guideline (CPG) should be conducted in the part on treating patients without evidence. Finally, de novo development of CPG would be undertaken in the situation of not applying the known evidence for clinical practice. These trials would bring us to a new level in improving the level of quality in the nationwide healthcare system as well as to progress achievements in the Korean medical academy.


Evidence-Based Practice; Practice Guideline; Comparative Effectiveness Research; Translational Medical Research

MeSH Terms

Comparative Effectiveness Research
Delivery of Health Care
Evidence-Based Medicine
Evidence-Based Practice
Practice Guidelines as Topic
Translational Medical Research

Cited by  1 articles

Why Perform Meta-Analysis?
Woo Jong Shin
Hanyang Med Rev. 2015;35(1):1-2.    doi: 10.7599/hmr.2015.35.1.1.


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