Korean J Urol.  1995 May;36(5):556-561.

The Effect of SS-cream on the Isolated Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum

  • 1Department of Urology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of Urology, Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  • 3Department of Pathology, Ewha Womans University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


SS-cream is a complex mixture containing 9 oriental herbs for treating the premature ejaculation, which is based on the traditional chinese royal herb remedy. Clinically SS-cream has been effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation and in some patients, potentiating effect of their erectile capacity was noted probably due to its combined activity of several vasoactive principles. Therefore, we investigated the pharmacological action of SS-cream in the isolated rabbit corporal smooth muscle. Strips of rabbit corpus cavernosum were isolated and mounted in 10ml organ chambers to measure isometric tension. Muscle strips treated with increasing concentrations of SS-cream(0.05mg/ml to 0.3mg/ml) showed initial rapid contraction followed by slow gradual relaxation. Muscle strips submaximally precontracted with phenylephrine(PHE:5x0.000001M) and treated with increasing concentrations of SS-cream(from 0.05mg/ml to 0.2mg/mI) showed also initial rapid contraction above the precontracted level and thereafter, relaxed to the basal level at the dose larger than 2mg/ml of SS-cream. Relaxations of muscle strips to SS-cream were not inhibited even partially by endothelial disruption or by pretreatment with pyrogallol or methylene blue. Pretreatment of muscle strips with SS-cream caused concentration dependent inhibition of PHE(5x0.000001M) induced contraction With these results we can conclude that SS-cream has dual action, initial rapid contractile effect which is mediated by adrenergic alpha receptor stimulation, and delayed nonspecific relaxing effect which is not mediated by EDRF or nitric oxide.


SS-cream; Corporal smooth muscle; Rabbit

MeSH Terms

Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Methylene Blue
Muscle, Smooth
Nitric Oxide
Premature Ejaculation
Methylene Blue
Nitric Oxide
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