J Rhinol.  1997 May;4(1):18-22.

Correlation between Nasal Obstruction and Parameters in Acoustic Rhinometry

  • 1Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.


Several attempts have been made to correlate nasal obstruction and acoustic rhinometric parameters, so far failed to find any significant correlation. We evaluated the correlation between the sense of nasal obstruction and parameters measured with acoustic rhinometry, and searched any secondary variables calculated from primary parameters, to explain the sense of nasal obstruction objectively on 114 patients (72 men and 42 women) with nasal obstruction. The sense of nasal obstruction was measured with visual analogue scale. Nasal volume, minimal cross-sectional area, and equivalent resistance were measured by acoustic rhinometry. As secondary variables, we introduced the concept of decongestion rate which representing the amount of change in the parameters after application of nasal decongestant. Weak correlations were found between the sense of nasal obstruction and total minimal cross-sectional area. Significant correlations were found between the sense of nasal obstruction and decongestion rate of total nasal volume, and particularly in the wider cavity. Stronger correlations than in total population were found in male patients. The decongestion rate may have potential implication in explaining the sense of nasal obstruction.


Acoustic rhinometry; Nasal obstruction; Nasal patency; Decongestion rate

MeSH Terms

Nasal Obstruction*
Rhinometry, Acoustic*
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