J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg.
1999 Jul;26(4):556-562.
The Role of Various Osseous Genioplasty Combined with Orthoganthic Surgery
- Although orthognathic surgery has been performed at the maxilla and the mandibular ramus to obtain a normal functional occulsion and aesthetic improvement of the face, deformities of the chin and disproportion of the soft tissue have been left. Mandibular set-back or advancement usually leaves soft tissue redundancy or deficiency along with its displacement. We have combined genioplasty with orthognathic surgery after intermaxillary fixation through a separate incision to get aesthetic improvement in the chin area in 28 patients. The authors obtained the aesthetic profile of the chin and lower lip according to various soft tissue analysis as follows: 1) The depth of the mentolabial fold 2) The distance from the E-line to labrale inferius (LI) 3) N-ANS/ANS-Me The soft tissue disproportion and residual deformities which were not usually corrected by the orthognathic surgery alone could be improved by combining it with genioplasty.