Korean J Infect Dis.
1998 Dec;30(6):516-520.
Resurgence of Poststreptococcal Acute Glomerulonephritis in Chinju: Clinical Review of Recent 10 Years
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Clinical Pathology, Gyeongsang Institute of Cancer Research, Gyeongsang National University, College of Medicine, Chinju, Korea. sjkim@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr
Rheumatic fever(RF) or streptococcal invasive diseases have surged in developed countries recently. Incidence of poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis (PSAGN), a sequelae of group A streptococci (GAS) infection was investigated to evaluate the resurgence of PSAGN in Chinju.
Medical records of 90 patients with PSAGN from January 1988 were reviewed retrospectively. Annual incidence, clinical characteristics, and laboratory findings were analyzed.
Annual incidence of PSAGN decreased until 1993, to as low as 0.09%, but started to increase in 1994 and became significantly high (1.83%) in 1996 (P<0.01). Most (64.6%) of PSAGN cases occurred from October to January. Major symtoms were edema (78.9%), gross hematuria (65.6%), oligura (22.2%), an fever (16.7%). Hypertension was observed in 28.9% during admission. Increse of ASO were observed in 92.0% (80/87), decrease of C3 and CH50 in 94.4% (85/90) and 93.2% (41/44), respectively.
Annual incidence of PSAGN decreased until 1993, but increased from 1994. Whether this resurgence of PSAGN is merely regional or part of a national epidemic should be investigated.