J Korean Diabetes.  2012 Jun;13(2):99-101. 10.4093/jkd.2012.13.2.99.

Breastfeeding and Diabetes

  • 1Kwandong Medical Department, University of Cheil General Hospital, Nutrition Department, Seoul, Korea. chenutr@cgh.co.kr


As interest in breastfeeding from the perspectives of nutrition, immunology, and psychology has increased, breastfeeding is being strongly recommended as it has been found to have a positive impact on the health of mothers and children. A number of studies showed that post-delivery breastfeeding by diabetic patients aides in weight reduction and blood sugar control. In particular, these studies showed that breastfeeding prevents the reoccurrence of gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes. In addition, for the children of diabetic mothers, breastfeeding is known to reduce the chances of development of child obesity and type 2 diabetes. Hence, there is a strong need for education about and encouragement of post-delivery breastfeeding for pregnant women who suffer from pre-pregnancy diabetes or gestational diabetes.


Breastfeeding; Diabetes mellitus; Gestational diabetes; Obesity

MeSH Terms

Blood Glucose
Breast Feeding
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes, Gestational
Pregnant Women
Weight Loss
Blood Glucose


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